
Comments for “POST” page

For some reason, I am having trouble putting “COMMENTS” on the “POST” page.

I would love to have your comments on the different posts. If you go to the right hand side bar, choose the post you want to comment on, that post will come up on a new page and there should be a comment box at the bottom.

If you have trouble this way, on the “HOME” page there is a comment box. Use it.

Slider is up!

I finally got the slider to work the way I want it. I had a lot of trouble getting the size that I liked. This will do what I want until I change some of the pictures. Now I can start adding pages.


For those of you who have visited my site in the last week, you know that it was changing daily. I was trying to change a few things and had trouble! So sorry for showing you the silly results.

I will still be trying to add different features so please forgive me if it looks silly for a while.